what is Laravel's Eloquent ORM and Query Builder?

Table of Contents

Understanding Query Builder: Simplifying Database Queries. 1

Understanding Laravel Query Builder for Database Operations. 1

Diving Deeper into Laravel Query Builder: Unveiling More Queries. 1

Understanding Eloquent in Laravel: More Than Just an Object. 2

Conclusion: Simplifying Database Connectivity in Laravel 4

FAQs. 5

In every application, it's imperative to establish a connection with a database, and Laravel simplifies this process significantly. Laravel incorporates powerful tools, namely "Query Builder" and "Eloquent ORM," which elevate it to an excellent framework for seamless database connectivity. These tools offer functionalities that showcase how effortlessly you can integrate a database into your project.

Understanding Query Builder: Simplifying Database Queries

Within the Laravel framework, the database query builder serves as a tool that facilitates the execution of database queries in an easy and efficient manner. It acts as a bridge for performing various operations on databases, ranging from basic DB connections to CRUD operations, aggregate functions, joins, and more. Remarkably, it supports multiple database systems, including MYSQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle etc.

Understanding Laravel Query Builder for Database Operations

Note: Laravel's Query Builder utilizes PHP Data Objects (PDO), providing protection against SQL injection. Ensure not to remove Laravel's built-in security measures.

Let's explore how to write a simple select query using Laravel's Query Builder:

$users = DB::table('employees')->get();

In the above query, DB::table initiates the fluent query by specifying the table name ('employees'). The get() method retrieves all data from the specified table.

Now, let's modify the query to include a where clause:

$employee = DB::table('employees')->where('name', 'john')->first();

Here, we aim to retrieve the first record from the 'employees' table where the name is 'john'.

To fetch only the employee ID for John, we can use the pluck method:

$employee = DB::table('employees')->where('name', 'john')->pluck('id');

This query retrieves the IDs of all employees named John.

If you want to select specific columns, such as 'name' and 'email', for employees named John, you can use the select method:

$employee = DB::table('employees')->select('name', 'email')->where('name', 'john')->get();

In this query, select specifies the columns to retrieve, and get() fetches the data based on the defined conditions.

Diving Deeper into Laravel Query Builder: Unveiling More Queries

Now, let's take a closer look at some interesting ways to use Laravel Query Builder. Imagine you want to get information about employees from a database but only those with IDs less than 20. Here's how you can do it:

$employees = DB::table('employees')->where('id', '<', 20)->get();

In this code, we're telling Laravel to fetch data from the 'employees' table where the 'id' is less than 20. The where function helps set this condition. It takes three things: the name of the attribute ('id'), the comparison sign ('<'), and the value (20).

Now, let's explore another scenario using the whereBetween operator. This is handy when you want to get data within a specific range, like employees with IDs between 10 and 20:

$employees = DB::table('employees')->whereBetween('id', array(10, 20))->get();

Laravel provides cool operators like whereBetween to make these kinds of queries easy. Just like before, it takes the attribute name ('id') and an array with the range (from 10 to 20 in this case).

Now, let's discuss why we prefer using arrays when dealing with user input. When users provide input, we face potential security risks, like SQL injection attacks. Laravel helps address these concerns by expecting arrays:

$employees = DB::table('employees')->whereBetween('id', array($from, $to))->get();

Here, $from and $to are variables that might contain user input. By putting them in an array, Laravel does some behind-the-scenes magic to make sure the input is safe. This way, we reduce the risk of SQL injection attacks when dealing with the database.

Understanding Eloquent in Laravel: More Than Just an Object

Eloquent in Laravel is not just an object; it's a powerful tool that represents your database tables and provides a seamless bridge between the user and the Database Management System (DBMS).

To articulate this in simpler terms, consider Eloquent as the controller in charge of mediating between users and the database. It acts as a mediator, ensuring smooth communication between the application and the underlying database.

Now, let's draw a clear distinction between Laravel Query Builder and Laravel Eloquent by examining examples. If we were to express a raw database query using Laravel Query Builder, it might look like this:

// Laravel Query Builder Raw Query


On the other hand, when utilizing Eloquent, the equivalent code becomes:

// Laravel Eloquent Query

$employee = Employee::first();

The Eloquent version is more expressive and closely resembles natural language. It retrieves the first record from the 'employees' table, offering a cleaner and more intuitive syntax.

Furthermore, with Eloquent, fetching specific columns from the 'employees' table is straightforward:

// Retrieve a specific column using Eloquent

$columnName = $employee->column_name;

Key features and concepts of Eloquent in Laravel include:

Model: In Eloquent, a model is a PHP class that represents a database table.

Database Table Convention: By convention, Eloquent assumes that the database table associated with a model is the plural, snake-cased version of the model's class name. For example, a User model corresponds to a users table.

CRUD Operations: Eloquent provides methods for performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on database records. For example, you can create a new record using the create method, retrieve records using the find method, update records using the update method, and delete records using the delete method.

Relationships: Eloquent supports defining relationships between models, such as one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships. These relationships are defined through methods in the model classes.

Query Builder Integration: Eloquent integrates with Laravel's query builder, allowing you to perform complex queries using a fluent syntax.

Here's a simple example of an Eloquent model:


namespace App\Models;
class User extends Model

// Eloquent assumes 'users' table by convention

// Define relationships, attributes, and other methods here


With Eloquent, you can then perform database operations on the users table using the User model, taking advantage of its expressive syntax and features.

// Create a new user
$user = User::create(['name' => 'John Doe', 'email' => 'john@example.com']);
// Find a user by ID
$foundUser = User::find(1);
// Update a user
$user->update(['name' => 'Updated Name']);
// Delete a user

In summary, Eloquent is a higher-level abstraction that simplifies database interactions, making the code more readable and maintaining a strong connection between the application and the database.

Conclusion: Simplifying Database Connectivity in Laravel

In conclusion, Laravel stands out as a go-to framework for streamlined database connectivity, offering robust tools like Query Builder and Eloquent ORM. These tools empower developers to effortlessly integrate databases into their projects, from basic operations to complex queries.

Laravel's Query Builder acts as a facilitator, simplifying database queries with its expressive syntax and support for various database systems. Notably, it enhances security through PHP Data Objects (PDO), guarding against SQL injection attacks.

On the other hand, Eloquent in Laravel is more than just an object; it's a mediator between users and the database. Unlike Query Builder's structured approach, Eloquent brings a natural language-like syntax to database interactions. With key features like model conventions, CRUD operations, relationships, and seamless Query Builder integration, Eloquent provides an elevated level of abstraction.

In essence, Laravel's combination of Query Builder and Eloquent equips developers with powerful and user-friendly tools, fostering efficient database management. This not only enhances code readability but also maintains a robust connection between applications and databases, making Laravel a standout choice for modern web development.


Q: Why is it essential to establish a database connection in every application?

A: Laravel simplifies the process with powerful tools like "Query Builder" and "Eloquent ORM" for seamless database connectivity.

Q: What role does Laravel's Query Builder play in database operations?

A: Laravel's Query Builder acts as a bridge, facilitating easy execution of database queries, supporting various operations like CRUD, joins, and more, across multiple database systems.

Q: How does Laravel's Query Builder protect against SQL injection?

A: Laravel's Query Builder utilizes PHP Data Objects (PDO) to protect against SQL injection, ensuring built-in security measures are maintained.

Q: Can you provide an example of a simple select query using Laravel's Query Builder?

A: Certainly! $users = DB::table('employees')->get(); retrieves all data from the 'employees' table.

Q: How does Laravel's Query Builder handle conditions in a query?

A: Conditions can be set using methods like where(), pluck(), and select(). For example, $employee = DB::table('employees')->where('name', 'john')->first(); retrieves the first record where the name is 'john'.

Q: What is the purpose of the whereBetween operator in Laravel's Query Builder?

A: The whereBetween operator is used to fetch data within a specific range, for example, $employees = DB::table('employees')->whereBetween('id', array(10, 20))->get(); retrieves employees with IDs between 10 and 20.

Q: How does Laravel handle user input to prevent security risks?

A: Laravel expects user input as arrays, reducing the risk of SQL injection attacks. For example, $employees = DB::table('employees')->whereBetween('id', array($from, $to))->get();

Q: What distinguishes Laravel Eloquent from Query Builder?

A: Laravel Eloquent is a powerful tool that represents database tables and provides a more expressive and natural language syntax compared to Query Builder.

Q: How is a raw database query expressed using Laravel Query Builder?

A: Example: DB::table('employees')->limit(1)->get(); retrieves data from the 'employees' table with a limit of 1.

Q: Provide an equivalent Eloquent code for retrieving the first record from the 'employees' table.

A: Certainly! $employee = Employee::first(); is the Eloquent equivalent code.

Q: What are some key features of Eloquent in Laravel?

A: Eloquent includes models, database table conventions, CRUD operations, relationships, and integrates with Laravel's query builder for complex queries.

Q: How is a model defined in Laravel Eloquent?

A: A model in Eloquent is a PHP class that represents a database table, extending the Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model class.

Q: Provide examples of CRUD operations using Eloquent.

A: Certainly! Examples include create, find, update, and delete operations using methods like create(), find(), update(), and delete().

Q: How does Eloquent support defining relationships between models?

A: Eloquent supports defining one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships between models through methods in the model classes.

Q: How can developers leverage Laravel Eloquent for cleaner and more intuitive code?

A: Developers can use Eloquent to perform database operations on tables, taking advantage of its expressive syntax and features, resulting in cleaner and more intuitive code.


  • shaheryar bhatti

    shaheryar bhatti

    23 Nov 2023 08:23
    Thanks guys! let us know if you have any question.

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