How to Install Laravel on windows, MacOs and Linux?

Table of Contents

Easy Development Process and Feature-Rich. 1

Guidance for Laravel Beginners. 1

What is Laravel?. 1

Features and Functionalities of Laravel 1

Blade Template Engine for Dynamic Templates. 1

Leveraging Eloquent ORM for Database Interactions. 1

Artisan Commands in Laravel: Streamlining Development. 1

Task Scheduling and Authentication Support in Laravel 2

Simplifying Authentication in Laravel 2

Who can use laravel and its functionalities. 2

Ideal for Startups and Idea Explorers. 2

Enhancing Products for Progressive Companies. 2

Preferred by PHP Web Developers. 2

A Boon for Backend Developers. 2

Bankrate: Elevating Financial Services. 3

The New York Times: Streamlining Web Applications. 3

Geocode: Empowering Location Services. 3

Advantages of Laravel: Unveiling the Benefits. 3

Rapid Development Process. 3

Code Simplicity and Maintenance. 3

Robust Community Support. 3

Laravel Prerequisites: Getting Started Right. 3

How to Install Laravel 4

Installing Laravel on Windows: 4

1. Install XAMPP Server: 4

2. Install Composer: 5

3. Verify Composer Installation: 5

4. Install Laravel Using Composer: 5

5. Verify Laravel Installation: 5

6. Run the Server: 5

7. Open Laravel Project in the Browser: 5

Installing Laravel on macOS: 6

Install Homebrew: 6

Install Node.js and npm: 6

Install PHP using Homebrew: 6

Install Composer using Homebrew: 6

Verifying PHP and Composer Installation: 7

Installing Laravel using Composer on macOS: 7

Verifying Laravel Installation: 7

Installing Laravel on Linux: 7

1. Install Apache Web Server: 7

Enable and start the Apache server: 8

Install PHP on Linux: 8

Install MariaDB on Linux: 8

Installing Composer on Linux: 8

Installing Laravel on Linux using Composer: 8

Conclusion: 9

FAQs. 9

When you are working on website development, having a good framework is essential. Let's take a look at Laravel, which is an excellent framework for PHP.

Easy Development Process and Feature-Rich

The reason we choose Laravel is that its development process is very easy, and it provides a multitude of features that are highly beneficial for website development. Laravel is a backend framework, and individuals proficient in it are referred to as backend developers. The market has a high demand for Laravel experts, with job opportunities on platforms like LinkedIn, Fiverr, Upwork, and others.

Guidance for Laravel Beginners

If you're unfamiliar with working in the Laravel framework, there's no need to worry. In this blog, we'll explore how Laravel is installed and how it can be used. This article will guide you on installing Laravel on macOS, Windows, or Linux.

But before we dive into the installation process, let's understand what Laravel is and why it is useful in website development. We'll explore why it is considered the best PHP framework.

What is Laravel?

Laravel is a fantastic web framework known for its beauty and power. It uses the MVC design pattern and is loved globally for being simple and user-friendly, making it a top pick for developers everywhere.

Features and Functionalities of Laravel

Blade Template Engine for Dynamic Templates

Another noteworthy feature of Laravel is its Blade template engine. This engine is both simple and powerful, enabling the creation of dynamic templates. It greatly aids developers in embedding code within Blade files and reusing them effortlessly.

Leveraging Eloquent ORM for Database Interactions

Laravel provides a feature called Eloquent ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) for seamless interaction with databases. This feature simplifies the CRUD operations like (Create, Read, Update, Delete). It also facilitates the effortless establishment of relationships between different elements in the database.

Artisan Commands in Laravel: Streamlining Development

In Laravel, Artisan commands play a vital role in simplifying various tasks, making the development process smoother and more efficient. These commands are executed through the command line tool, allowing developers to create controllers, models, migrations, and much more within the Laravel framework.

Task Scheduling and Authentication Support in Laravel

Laravel supports task scheduling and authentication. The framework provides built-in task scheduling, enabling automation of tasks such as sending emails or updating and deleting data in the database. Unlike the traditional approach of creating custom cron jobs for each task, Laravel allows us to define these tasks within the project itself. Furthermore, Laravel allows specifying the time frame for the execution of these cron jobs.

Simplifying Authentication in Laravel

Laravel simplifies user authentication through its built-in authentication process. With a straightforward command, developers can authenticate users by verifying their existence in the database. This eliminates the need for custom code, as Laravel seamlessly handles the authentication process, contributing to a more efficient development experience.

Who can use laravel and its functionalities

Ideal for Startups and Idea Explorers

Laravel stands out as an excellent choice for a wide range of users, making it highly accessible and beneficial. It particularly shines for individuals initiating their ideas. Startups find Laravel's development process invaluable, swiftly turning their concepts into reality. The framework's extensive built-in functionalities and libraries save precious time, providing rapid and effective results.

Enhancing Products for Progressive Companies

Companies aiming to enhance their products can leverage Laravel's robust features. The framework offers a set of tools that organizations can utilize to improve their offerings. Laravel's strong community support ensures the longevity of businesses relying on it, making it a sustainable choice for long-term ventures.

Preferred by PHP Web Developers

PHP web developers favor Laravel due to its built-in functions and libraries that significantly facilitate their work. Laravel projects benefit from enhanced security features, attracting developers seeking a secure environment. The framework incorporates the MVC design pattern, efficient routing, and middleware, contributing to both security and attractiveness.

A Boon for Backend Developers

Backend developers find Laravel to be an excellent framework, especially with its streamlined task scheduling through artisan commands and various other features. It simplifies the process of creating web applications, making it an asset for backend developers in their projects.

Here are a few companies that use Laravel in their projects:

Bankrate: Elevating Financial Services

Bankrate, a prominent financial services company, relies on Laravel to maintain its online application. This framework proves invaluable in handling complex data structures and accelerating the development cycle for the company.

The New York Times: Streamlining Web Applications

The New York Times, a major organization, has chosen Laravel to maintain its web application. Laravel assists them in quickly building complex applications, contributing to efficient development cycles.

Geocode: Empowering Location Services

Geocode, a geocoding service facilitating the conversion of addresses into latitude and longitude, harnesses Laravel's capabilities. Laravel empowers Geocode's web application to efficiently handle geocoding services, ensuring the delivery of high-quality and valuable services.

Advantages of Laravel: Unveiling the Benefits

Rapid Development Process

Laravel stands out for its built-in tools and detailed documentation, enabling developers to swiftly complete projects and reduce development time.

Code Simplicity and Maintenance

Laravel provides a clean code structure, facilitating easy readability and maintenance. This becomes particularly beneficial when working on large projects or collaborating within a team.

Robust Community Support

One of Laravel's strengths lies in its robust community of developers. Through various blogs and services, this community offers daily support on Laravel-related issues, a feature often lacking in other frameworks.

Laravel Prerequisites: Getting Started Right

Before you jump into Laravel, it's essential to have a few basics down:

Basic PHP Knowledge: Familiarity with PHP programming is a must.

Understanding MVC: Get to know the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern.

Command Line Familiarity: Comfort with the command line/terminal is beneficial.

Web Technologies Background: While optional, having experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be helpful.

System Requirements: Is Your System Ready?

Make sure your system meets these criteria:

Supported Operating Systems: Windows, macOS, Linux.

Hardware Requirements: The hardware needs are minimal, and they depend on PHP and Composer.

PHP Installation: Laravel requires PHP installation.

Composer Installation: Essential for Laravel setup.

Versions Matter: Choose Wisely

Consider the following when selecting a Laravel version:

Stable vs. Latest Versions: Base your choice on project needs. Stable versions offer reliability, while the latest ones may bring new features.

Compatibility Check: Ensure your chosen Laravel version plays well with other libraries and PHP versions, aligning with your project's dependencies.

How to Install Laravel

Once you are familiar with the Laravel framework, you are ready to install it. The installation process is straightforward and depends on the operating system. First, we'll discuss how to install Laravel on a Windows system.

Installing Laravel on Windows:

  1. Install XAMPP Server:

XAMPP Server is a free open-source web server solution that handles PHP-related components, MySQL, and Apache for database management.

Visit the XAMPP Server website and download the version compatible with your operating system.

Run the XAMPP setup file you downloaded, follow the instructions, and install it on your system.

During installation, make sure to select PHP and MySQL in the XAMPP Server options.

After installation, run the XAMPP Controller panel, and turn on the Apache and MySQL services.

How to install xampp server

  1. Install Composer:

Composer is a dependency manager for PHP. Download and install Composer from its official website.

how to install composer

  1. Verify Composer Installation:

Ensure that Composer is installed correctly by checking its version in the command line.

composer --version
  1. Install Laravel Using Composer:

If you want to download a specific version, use the command mentioned above, replacing "9.0" with the desired Laravel version. After that, run the command in the terminal.

Here's a complete command example:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel:^9.0 your-project-name

Replace "your-project-name" with the name you want for your project. Execute this command in the XAMPP Server's htdocs folder, usually found at C Drive -> xampp -> htdocs. Note that "C Drive" refers to the drive where you installed XAMPP, commonly the C drive.

This process ensures that the Laravel project is created in the specified folder, allowing you to work on your project seamlessly.

  1. Verify Laravel Installation:

Confirm that Laravel is installed correctly by checking its version in the command line.

laravel --version
  1. Run the Server:

Start the Laravel development server.

  1. Open Laravel Project in the Browser:

if you are using a specific port for your XAMPP server, include the port number after "localhost" in the URL, like this:


However, if you are not using a specific port, use the following URL:


Adjust "your_project_name" according to the name you assigned to your Laravel project during the setup. This URL structure allows you to access and view your Laravel project in the browser.

If you encounter a Node.js error, you need to install Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager). Follow these steps:

Visit the Node.js website.

Instead of downloading the current version from node.js website, opt for the version recommended by most users. This is usually a stable version that minimizes potential issues.

how to install node.js on windows, macOs and linux

After downloading, run the setup file to install Node.js and npm on your system.

To check the installed Node.js and npm versions, open your terminal or command prompt and use the following commands:

node -v
npm -v

By doing this, you ensure that your environment is set up with a stable version of Node.js, reducing the likelihood of encountering errors during your Laravel project development.

By following these steps, you can successfully install Laravel on your Windows system and start working on your projects.

Installing Laravel on macOS:

To install Laravel on macOS, follow these steps:

Install Homebrew:

Homebrew is a package manager for macOS that facilitates the installation of various software. Open the terminal and run the following command:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install Node.js and npm:

Use Homebrew to install Node.js and npm with the following command:

how to install homebrew on macOS

brew install node

This command ensures the installation of Node.js and npm on your macOS system.

Install PHP using Homebrew:

Install PHP on macOS through Homebrew using the following command:

brew install php

Wait for the installation process to complete.

Install Composer using Homebrew:

Composer is a dependency management tool for PHP, essential for Laravel installation. Run the following commands in your terminal:

curl -sS | php

sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

This will download and install Composer, making it available globally on your system.

Verifying PHP and Composer Installation:

After installation, you need to verify that PHP and Composer have been installed correctly along with their respective versions. Run the following commands in your terminal:

php --version

composer --version

if the installation was successful, you will see the versions of PHP and Composer displayed.

With these steps, you'll have the necessary components installed to set up Laravel on your macOS environment.

Installing Laravel using Composer on macOS:

Once Composer is installed, you can proceed to install Laravel on macOS. If you have XAMPP installed, navigate to the 'htdocs' folder in the 'Applications' section, open your terminal, and run the following command to create a new Laravel project:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel:^9.0 your-project-name

This command is similar to the one used for Windows, with the only difference being the initial setup using Homebrew on macOS.

Verifying Laravel Installation:

After the Laravel installation, verify its successful installation and check the version by running the following command:

laravel --version

If you see the Laravel version displayed, it indicates that Laravel has been successfully installed on your macOS system.

Installing Laravel on Linux:

To install Laravel on Linux, follow the steps below:

1. Install Apache Web Server:

Before installing Apache, update your package index

sudo apt update

Then, install Apache:

sudo apt install apache2

Enable and start the Apache server:

sudo systemctl enable apache2

sudo systemctl start apache2

Install PHP on Linux:

Install PHP and required extensions:

sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php php-mbstring php-xmlrpc php-soap php-gd php-xml php-cli php-zip php-bcmath php-tokenizer php-json php-pear

Install MariaDB on Linux:

MariaDB is an open-source database management system. Install it with the following command:

sudo apt install mariadb-server

After installing MariaDB, secure it using the command:

sudo mysql_secure_installation

Follow the instructions to set up the root password and other security settings.


These commands assume you are using a Debian-based distribution like Ubuntu. If you are using a different Linux distribution, the package manager commands might be different. Adjust them accordingly.

Installing Composer on Linux:

To install Composer on Linux, use the following commands in the terminal:

curl -sS | php

sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/composer

After installation, verify that PHP, MariaDB, and Composer are installed by running the following commands:

php -v

mysql --version

composer -V

Installing Laravel on Linux using Composer:

To install Laravel on Linux using Composer, run the following command:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel app-name

After the installation, run the following Artisan command to start the local development server:

php artisan serve

Once the server is running, open your browser and visit the following URL:


This article demonstrated how to install Laravel on Windows, macOS, and Linux. After installing Laravel, you're ready to build powerful and elegant websites using this robust PHP framework. As you continue working with Laravel, explore additional resources and the strong Laravel community. Check out the comprehensive documentation for any issues you may encounter.


Q: What makes Laravel a preferred framework for PHP web development?

A: Laravel is chosen for its easy development process, feature-rich environment, and high demand for Laravel experts in the job market.

Q: How can Laravel benefit beginners in web development?

A: Beginners can find guidance on installing Laravel on macOS, Windows, or Linux, along with understanding its features and why it's considered the best PHP framework.

Q: What are some standout features of Laravel, especially in terms of web development?

A: Laravel offers a Blade template engine for dynamic templates, Eloquent ORM for easy database interactions, and Artisan commands for streamlined development.

Q: How does Laravel support task scheduling and authentication?

A: Laravel facilitates task automation through built-in task scheduling and simplifies user authentication with its straightforward process, contributing to efficient development.

Q: Who can benefit from using Laravel and its functionalities?

A: Laravel is ideal for startups, idea explorers, progressive companies looking to enhance their products, PHP web developers, and backend developers seeking a streamlined development process.

Q: Can you provide examples of companies using Laravel in their projects?

A: Yes, companies like Bankrate, The New York Times, and Geocode rely on Laravel for maintaining their online applications and streamlining web services.

Q: What are the advantages of using Laravel for web development?

A: Laravel offers a rapid development process, code simplicity and maintenance, and robust community support, reducing development time and enhancing project sustainability.

Q: What are the prerequisites for getting started with Laravel?

A: Basic PHP knowledge, understanding of MVC architecture, familiarity with the command line, and a background in web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) are recommended.

Q: What are the system requirements for installing Laravel?

A: Supported operating systems include Windows, macOS, and Linux. Minimal hardware requirements depend on PHP and Composer installations.

Q: How do I install Laravel on Windows, macOS, or Linux?

A: The installation process varies for each operating system. Detailed steps, including installing required components like XAMPP, Homebrew, PHP, and Composer, are provided in the article.


  • shaheryar bhatti

    shaheryar bhatti

    21 Nov 2023 07:16
    Thanks guys! let us know if you have any question.

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